Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Michael Jackson est né le 29 août 1958 à Gary.
Il est auteur, compositeur, interprète, danseur, chorégraphe, et homme d’affaires américain.
Il est le septième d’une famille de neuf enfants.
Voici le déroulement de sa carrière :

Étapes de réalisation.......

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

islamic picter

Fanny Video


The need to measure the depth of the seaBut the favorite of the phyadomitaraTo measure the depth of the human mind

A nice enough minds.

.Measuring the intensity of earthquakesBut Richter scale is requiredYou feel the sorrow of anotherWhat ever it is that is causing the shakingPossible measures..The need to measure the height of the fallBut the uccata alatimitaraThe need to measure the focus. That one of you that wayPeople who do not measure theThe height of the holdingWill..For measuring the purity of milkBut the fall in lyaktomitaraHis holiness is necessary to measureThe spirit of the heart. When you ownYou can measure the purityIf you are a real man..To measure the intensity of soundBut in the audiometerIntensity of your evil wordsPeople in mind that losses mandirayaWith what measure it..Fine for the time spanBut the fall in kronomitaraMeasure of life expectancy for menNo machine has yet been discovered.When life along the path of life timeWe will stop in oneI do not know..In order to measure the gas pressureBut the fall in myanomitaraUnfortunately, so was the pressureThe pressure that is difficult for tearsPrasamita is not possible..The need to measure the flow of electricityReadBut the happiness sorrow flow amphitriteCan not be measured, can only be felt.The combined negative dhbanatbakaHow is the peak flowUnfortunately, just as the combined flow of happinessSection of our lives..The need to measure the wind speedReadBut your life enomomitaraWhen the storm but the stormThe velocity is measured. Intense stormsThe dream of a strong treeStay at one time to reduce the speed of the storm






Monday, January 11, 2016


I'm assuming that ,
Which is just worth it.
I am the lover ,
Which is just kalpanika .
I'm the man ,
That was just your beloved .
I was looking forward to a lifelong love thee ..... !!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Islamic Religious

Allah has created the world and many other species. The creation of these people needed. If not, would the balance of the environment, biodiversity, human lives othato also be difficult. A lot of our food and living animals from the materials we receive. As a result, our environment is enriched with small roles in various forms. They continually strived to maintain our dharake habitable. It is important to keep alive our needs tagitei animals.Islam gave special importance to the kindness of living beings. The Prophet (peace be upon him.) Said, "Allah is gentle, he would prefer the softness of the work." According to a Hadith, "has been sent to your simple, was sent to the imposition of austerity." Kindness, from the perspective of the Prophet (peace be upon him.) Is the same in the eyes of people and animals watched. Muhammad (peace be upon him.) Allah sent as a mercy to the worlds. Biodiversity under his grace.Many of us love animals, while others give them trouble. But the urge to be kind to animals Hadith has been. Abu Huraira (ra.) Narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him.) Said, once a man clinging to the path, down a well at the street side of the water thirsty when he drank the water. Then he looked up from the well, and a thirsty dog ​​Neither licks his feet. Then he dropped down a well with water mojaya own stocking up on guns and dogs in a watered down. He accepted his act and had forgiven him. Then the disciples, and said, O rasulallaha! If you learn what good cattle, our reward? He said, every animate objects and animal remains good reward.The animals will then be taken directly to our benefit œ as they come, and even harmful to the human species can not be abortive. Because of the balance of nature to the existence of all kinds of animals. Apparently snakes that harm us. But the snake in a big neyamaka for the environment. The winter of the migratory birds that come to our country, but the rate of loss of ecological balance. Their existence in all forms of interest shown mercy.


= Where are you? You come home late today ??Syari, I can not do anything, the buck had hope tri-tip suddenly .......Who today can not guchate on the file will be too much loss, you want to do ??= ...No, do not, do not expect to have something special, not today, maybe I forgot I am the good luck, sorry. Come carefully..Even the paint-stained sari with acala at the corner of the eye at the mucachilo arina water. Sejechilo today too for Peter. After the wedding is going to be the first step in the new year. Maybe today people thought at least there will be free. Free to be, of all things, was at home in the morning, in the evening, where the talks have been going to disappear suddenly lighting. After a while the call is in the office or on the left..

The date of December 31. Night around 10 pm. Kaghanta hours after a new start. And if so, for which the waiting ......Think about the pillow under his head and cried arina cakes..How much of this is in the evening until 10pm seemed to do nothing. Who stands guard as the flower of the aisle has two bed rooms and arina sajiyechilo. Spend some time in the aisle lighting all the time before going to bed. Today is a special day for this piece thought the aisle together at the sky to see what they will be spending quite a bit of time, and build up the same way with the thread of love sbapnamala. But at the talkative or so letting go today ..........Even the painted glass in the sink and went to arina look at his wet face even more loudly crying stopped. Hold down the face at the hands of the very tough. After quite a bit of water on the face arina lay. His eyes closed and think, and never before sajabena something, sometimes they do not plan for the talkative am. What more do ......Arina think the sleeping five to seven drowned..11:45 pm. Arinera breaks up the phone ringtones. Peter numbers, the wrath of the phone cut off at arina. Utheo not want to wake up is to drop out of sight along the water. When we heard the call. Arina receive calls go against the will of their own knowledge.= Hello,- ..= Hello, ma'am ..-...Why are you silent = ?? Do not tell Hey, I wonder if this year will not go in my office !! From next year the bar will go to the office !! Ha ha !! So, what will happen ??-...= Hello ....Ma'am, please come to the roof a little trouble ?? =Being iyaraki ??= Hey, do not be a situation has, why ?? Asona, chadei So, not far away. You three are on the floor, the ceiling at the top of its five floors. Climb the stairs step by step, please do not come.-What Are you talking about !! I'm no roof !! This night !!= Nights because I'm coming, my wife and I like Vampire Vampire is sucking the sonata'll huff. Please asona ..Samu, please no situation has. Come on, come on home. I does not look good..Arina keeps the phone. Putting eyes closed again. Soon some of what I ran arina gates opened. Dorera decorated with wax before a small gain, profit came to light the candles before the arinera. Arina was surprised that the fear of bondage. Minutes afterwards the door opened one after another ran up the stairs, stepped arina.

Very beautifully decorated door at the ceiling. Arinera all the favorite white rose petals scattered around. Mysterious lights the candle at large earthen manger. If you have to understand arina talkative at the Office of the remissness run away from him, and this was the etoksana. Arina fall gently into the roof, the roof at the flowers and candles at the fastener. Stands in the middle of the roof over a candlelight write "Happy New Year, My Life" ...Neil around the red light in the night sky filled with colorful becoming. Arina felt in the back of one. Arina took her life, even though at the FAKIBAJ talkative boy is none other than. Arina lighting is too hard to hold. The whole world talks about arinera shiver goes. Arina eyes are closed. Eyes down to the unbridled joy asrura arinera eyes have gone down..Eyes wet with tears rolling down his eyes fall upon the faithful to understand the slacker lifestyle lips arina am sad. Peter Khan, at the center of the chest just too hard to hold yourself arina. Very tough. However, the very strong emotion dumb arina Peter traveled across the whole world. Abhimanera concedes that madness is anubhutidera hide themselves away. Jhatakata little wind on the first night of the new year surrounded arina is lighting. This jutitake miti miti mad at the world, the stars are laughing. Tao talks about the new year, rather than the opposite arina's lighting up a delight. A vacation filled with pride, and the best lighting arina abese 


One man in a house
Asked the water ...
Small baccah water
Lassi run ??
Of course lokah
Many thanks!
He is 5 glass
After lassi taste
Asks ,
" Anyone in your home
Do not drink lassi ?? "
Yes baccah khayakintu
Lizard on lassi
So the distinguished gecheto
Not eat !!
The man in
Glass fell from
Celebrities !!
Crying baby
Kamdatebalalah " Mom ,
This glass
Broke !!
Now, the dog will eat milk
What .....